
Can Gum Disease Cause Cancer?

Gum disease is a very serious condition that affects the mouth and many people don’t take it seriously enough until it’s too late. Gum disease is categorized as a serious infection that can degrade the integrity of your jawbone when not taken care of. Gum disease is a very serious disease however it is also […]

How Much Do Braces Cost?

For young teens and some adults, getting braces can be a very exciting time in their lives due to the fact that a solution is being presented to long-standing oral issues. Before deciding to get braces, there are several tests that your dentist will put you through in order to determine the best corrective measures […]

Oral Health Problems for People with Diabetes

It seems like everyone these days is becoming gurus of fitness and health which may be for the ultimate good. There are several different conditions & ailments that are becoming commonplace due to the onset of unhealthy habits that many people have become comfortable with. One of the most common health issues facing people today […]

What Are the Main Causes of Dental Problems?

Why Be Concerned About Your Dental and Oral Health? Maintaining proper dental and oral hygiene is an essential part of your overall health and well-being. Conversely, poor oral hygiene can lead to tooth decay, periodontal (gum) disease, alveolar bone loss, and ultimately tooth loss. Compromised oral health, especially for an extended period of time, has […]

What Are Dental Veneers?

What are the benefits of getting veneers? Veneers are an artificial cover that is attached to the front of your tooth to correct any abnormalities and leave you with a beautiful smile. Veneers are an excellent solution to anyone dealing with chipped teeth, a gap between their teeth, extreme discoloration that cannot be fixed with […]

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