The Connection Between Oral Health and Overall Health

oral health

When we think about health, our minds often drift towards maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. However, there is an important aspect of our well-being that we sometimes overlook: oral health.

Surprisingly, our oral health is closely intertwined with our overall health; neglecting one can profoundly affect the other. In this blog, we will explore the significant connection between oral health and overall health and understand why it is crucial to prioritize dental care as an essential component of our overall well-being.

The Oral-Systemic Link

The mouth acts as the gateway to the body, and oral health plays a vital role in maintaining an individual’s overall health. Oral health problems such as poor hygiene and untreated oral diseases can contribute to various systemic health issues.

The oral-systemic link refers to the bidirectional relationship between oral health and overall health, where problems in one area can influence the other.

Cardiovascular Health

Numerous studies have found a correlation between oral health and cardiovascular disease.

Poor oral hygiene can lead to gum inflammation and periodontal disease, allowing oral bacteria to enter the bloodstream. These bacteria can cause inflammation throughout the body, including the blood vessels, potentially increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular complications.


oral health

Diabetes and oral health have a significant connection.

Individuals with diabetes are more susceptible to gum disease due to a weakened immune system and impaired blood sugar control. Conversely, gum disease can make it harder to control blood sugar levels, leading to complications in diabetes management. Thus, maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding worsening oral health is crucial for individuals with diabetes to prevent oral infections.

Respiratory Health

The health of our respiratory system can also be affected by our oral health. Poor oral hygiene, such as gum disease and tooth decay, can contribute to respiratory infections like pneumonia.

Bacteria from the mouth can be inhaled into the digestive and respiratory tracts, causing inflammation and increasing the likelihood of respiratory complications, particularly in individuals with compromised immune systems.

Pregnancy and Birth Complications

Oral health is of utmost importance for pregnant women. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase the risk of gum disease, which, if left untreated, can lead to complications like preterm birth and low birth weight.

Taking care of oral health during pregnancy is crucial for the mother and the baby’s well-being.

Inflammation and Chronic Diseases

Chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, certain cancers, and inflammatory bowel diseases have been linked to poor oral health. The chronic inflammation associated with gum disease can contribute to the overall inflammatory burden in the body, potentially exacerbating these conditions.

Maintaining Good Oral Health

Now that we understand the connection between oral health and overall health, it becomes clear that maintaining good oral hygiene is essential. Here are some key practices for maintaining your optimal oral health workforce:

  1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day using fluoride toothpaste.
  2. Floss daily to remove plaque and food particles from between your teeth.
  3. Limit sugary and acidic food and drinks that can contribute to tooth decay.
  4. Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups, professional cleanings, and early detection of oral health issues.
  5. Avoid tobacco products, as they significantly increase the risk of oral cancer and gum disease.
  6. Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and nutrients that promote oral health.

Maintaining Health and Well Being

vector image of teeth

Taking care of our oral health is not just about having a bright smile; it is an integral part of maintaining overall health and well-being by avoiding oral and systemic diseases.

The connection between oral health and various systemic diseases highlights the importance of regular dental care and good oral hygiene practices. By prioritizing oral health, we can reduce the risk of developing serious health issues and improve our quality of life.

Consult with Dr. Dalesandro & Associates

Dr. Dalesandro & Associates are exceptionally qualified Tucson dentists to care for all your general, emergency, and preventative dentistry needs.

In addition, our staff of Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants are warm and professional. Plus, we serve multiple family members, from young children to adults. Whatever your needs, from preventative care to restorative such as cavity fillings to emergency first aid services for accidents, we do it all. 

The Family Dental Practice Tucson Trusts

At our Tucson dentist office we strive to make our clients feel safe and proud of their smiles! We keep our dental office clean and ready for your appointment. 

Contact us today and set up your first visit with the Dr. Dalesandro dental care team by continuing to explore our website.

teeth whitening

Teeth Whitening: Safe and Effective Options for Your Family

While a bright and radiant smile can boost our self-confidence and leave a lasting impression, our teeth can become stained or discolored over time due to various factors such as aging, poor oral hygiene, or consumption of certain foods and beverages.

Fortunately, numerous teeth whitening options are available today that can help restore the natural whiteness of your teeth. Today’s blog will explore safe and effective teeth whitening options suitable for your entire family.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening is widely recognized as the most effective method for achieving a dazzling smile. Dentists offer in-office treatments that involve the application of a bleaching agent directly to your teeth.

Unlike at-home teeth whitening products, the professional procedure is carefully supervised to ensure safety and optimal results.

Professional whitening can significantly improve your teeth’ whiteness in just one session.

white teeth smiling family

At-Home Teeth Whitening Kits

If you prefer the convenience of whitening your teeth at home, several over-the-counter teeth whitening kits are available.

Compared to professional treatments, these kits typically contain whitening gel or whitening strips with a lower concentration of bleaching agents, such as carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide.

While at-home tooth whitening may not deliver the same results as in-office treatments, they can still help lighten surface stains and improve the overall appearance of your smile as they whiten teeth.

Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste is a simple and affordable option for maintaining a bright smile. These toothpaste contain mild abrasives that help remove surface stains and discoloration over time.

While tooth whitening with this teeth whitening product doesn’t typically provide dramatic effects, it can be a good choice for daily use to help prevent further staining and maintain your teeth’s brightness after an in-office whitening treatment.

Natural Remedies

For those who prefer more natural approaches, there are several home remedies that may help whiten your teeth to some extent.

Baking soda, for example, can be mixed with water to create a paste that acts as a mild abrasive. Brushing with this paste can help remove surface stains from the tooth enamel. However, it’s essential to use natural remedies cautiously and not rely solely on them for significant whitening results.

It’s always advisable to consult your dentist before trying any home remedies.

Safety Considerations

While teeth whitening is generally safe, it’s crucial to approach it with caution to avoid potential risks. If you choose an over-the-counter whitening product, such as an at-home teeth whitening kit, always follow the instructions carefully and avoid excessive use. Using these products excessively or incorrectly can lead to tooth sensitivity, gum irritation, or enamel damage.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that not everyone is an ideal candidate for teeth whitening. Pregnant or lactating women, individuals with sensitive teeth or gum disease, and children should consult a dentist before undergoing whitening treatments.

teeth whitening

Uncover Your Brightest Smile

Achieving a brighter smile for yourself and your family is possible through various safe and effective teeth whitening options. Whether you choose professional treatments, at-home kits, or natural remedies, it’s essential to prioritize dental hygiene and consult a dentist to ensure the best results and oral health.

Remember, maintaining good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, will help teeth whiten and contribute to your smile’s long-term health and appearance. So, embrace the power of teeth whitening options and greet the world with a confident, sparkling smile!

Teeth Whitening FAQs

What is the best treatment to whiten teeth?

Professional in-office teeth whitening is considered the best treatment for whiter teeth due to the use of high-concentration bleaching agents, advanced techniques, and dental professionals’ supervision, allowing for quick, safe, and highly effective results.

Can yellow teeth become white again?

Yes, yellow teeth can become white again through teeth whitening methods, such as professional treatments or over-the-counter products, which can effectively remove stains and discoloration, restoring the teeth to a brighter shade.

Why are my teeth still yellow if I brush them every day?

Teeth can still appear yellow even with regular brushing due to factors like genetics, natural tooth color variations, enamel thinning, and deeper stains that may require professional teeth whitening treatments to address.

Consult with Dr. Dalesandro & Associates

Dr. Dalesandro & Associates are exceptionally qualified Tucson dentists to care for all your general, emergency, and preventative dentistry needs.

In addition, our staff of Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants are warm and professional. Plus, we serve multiple family members, from young children to adults. Whatever your needs, from preventative care to restorative such as cavity fillings to emergency first aid services for accidents, we do it all. 

The Family Dental Practice Tucson Trusts

Dr. Dalesandro & Associates

At our Tucson dentist office, we strive to make our clients feel safe and proud of their smiles! We keep our dental office clean and ready for your appointment. 

Contact us today and set up your first visit with the Dr. Dalesandro dental care team by continuing to explore our website.

How to Choose the Right Toothbrush and Toothpaste for Your Family

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for a healthy and happy smile, and choosing the right toothbrush and toothpaste is an integral part of that. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. In this article, we’ll provide some helpful tips on choosing the right dental care products for your family.

toothbrush and toothpaste

Choosing the Right Toothbrush

While toothpaste can contribute to the effectiveness of toothbrushing by providing additional benefits such as fluoride or antimicrobial agents, the mechanical action of brushing with a toothbrush is what ultimately removes plaque and debris from teeth and gums, making it a more crucial factor for maintaining good oral health.

When it comes to toothbrushes, there are several factors to consider:


When choosing the right bristle hardness for a toothbrush, it’s important to consider individual factors such as the condition of the teeth and gums, personal preference, and brushing technique.

Soft bristles are generally recommended for people with sensitive teeth, receding gums, or a history of gum disease, as they are less likely to cause damage or irritation.

Medium bristle toothbrushes can be a good choice for those with healthy teeth and gums who want a little more scrubbing power. However, for most people, a soft bristled toothbrushes is still the safest and most effective option.

A hard bristle brush head is generally not recommended as it can cause enamel erosion, gum recession, and tooth sensitivity over time. It’s always a good idea to consult with a dentist or dental hygienist to determine the best toothbrush and brushing technique to keep your teeth healthy.

Size and Shape

Toothbrushes come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and it’s important to choose one that is comfortable and easy to use. Look for a brush with a head that can easily reach all areas of your mouth to remove food particles and plaque.

Electric vs. Manual

man using electric toothbrush

Both manual and electric toothbrushes are effective at removing plaque and promoting good oral hygiene, but there are some differences between the two.

Manual toothbrushes are affordable, widely available, and easy to use. They require no batteries or charging and come in a variety of bristle styles and sizes. However, using a manual toothbrush requires proper technique and can be difficult for people with limited mobility or dexterity.

On the other hand, an electric toothbrush can be more expensive and require batteries or charging, but they can provide a more thorough and efficient cleaning. They also often come with features like timers or pressure sensors to ensure proper brushing technique.

Ultimately, both brushes can prevent against tooth decay and gum disease when used properly.

Choosing the Right Toothpaste

Toothpaste comes in many different types, flavors, and formulations. As discussed above, brushing technique is more important for overall oral health than the type of toothpaste used, but each comes with a variety of benefits that can include that fresh-mouth feeling.

Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing the right toothpaste for your family:


Fluoride toothpaste

Look for a toothpaste that contains fluoride, as it helps to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent cavities. However, consult your dentist first if you prefer a natural or fluoride-free option.


Whitening toothpastes are formulated to remove surface stains on teeth and make them appear brighter. They typically contain mild abrasives and chemicals like hydrogen peroxide or baking soda that work to break down stains and improve the appearance of teeth.

However, it’s important to note that whitening toothpastes may not be effective for deep stains or discoloration caused by factors like genetics or certain medications.

Some whitening toothpaste can be abrasive and may cause enamel erosion or tooth sensitivity if used excessively or incorrectly. It’s best to consult with a dentist before using a whitening toothpaste to ensure it’s safe and appropriate for individual needs.

Toothpaste for Sensitive teeth

If you or a family member has sensitive teeth, look for a toothpaste that is specifically designed for sensitive teeth. These formulas contain ingredients that can help to reduce sensitivity and discomfort.


Toothpaste comes in a variety of flavors, from mint to fruit to bubblegum. Choose a flavor that your family enjoys, as this can make brushing more enjoyable and encourage good habits.

When choosing the right toothbrush and toothpaste for your family, consider factors such as bristle softness, size and shape, electric vs. manual, fluoride, whitening, sensitivity, and flavor. And don’t forget to consult with your dentist for personalized recommendations based on your family’s unique needs. By choosing the right products and practicing good oral hygiene habits, you can help ensure that your family’s smiles stay healthy and happy for years to come.

FAQs on Oral Hygiene

Why do my teeth feel sensitive?

Teeth feel sensitive due to worn enamel or exposed roots, often caused by aggressive brushing or gum recession. Maintain gentle brushing with a soft-bristle toothbrush to alleviate sensitivity.

Which areas get missed when I brush my teeth?

The most commonly missed areas while brushing are the gum line, back molars, and tongue. Use proper brushing techniques and consider a toothbrush with a small head to reach all areas effectively.

Should I be using a different toothbrush?

If you’re experiencing discomfort or inadequate cleaning, consider switching to a toothbrush with softer bristles or an electric toothbrush for improved results.

How often do I need professional cleanings?

Professional cleanings should be scheduled every six months, but some individuals with specific dental conditions may require more frequent visits.

Why do my gums bleed when I brush?

Gums bleed when brushing due to inflammation caused by plaque buildup or improper brushing technique. Maintain consistent oral hygiene and use a soft-bristle toothbrush with gentle pressure to reduce bleeding.

Do dentists recommend soft or medium toothbrushes?

Most dentists and dental hygienists recommend using a soft-bristled toothbrush for daily brushing. Soft bristles are gentle on the gums and teeth, and they are less likely to cause damage or irritation than medium or hard bristles.

Consult with Dr. Dalesandro & Associates

man putting toothpaste on toothbrush

Dr. Dalesandro & Associates are exceptionally qualified Tucson dentists to care for all your general, emergency, and preventative dentistry needs.

In addition, our staff of Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants are warm and professional. Plus, we serve multiple family members, from young children to adults. Whatever your needs from preventative care, to restorative such as cavity fillings, to even emergency first aid services for accidents, we do it all. 

The Family Dental Practice Tucson Trusts

Dr. Dalesandro & Associates

At our Tucson dentist office we strive to make our clients feel safe and proud of their smiles! We keep our dental office clean and ready for your appointment. 

Contact us today and set up your first visit with the Dr. Dalesandro dental care team by continuing to explore our website.

What Is the Best Way to Whiten Your Teeth?

The best way to whiten your teeth

Let’s Discuss What is the Best Way to Whiten Your Teeth

If you are considering the best way to whiten your teeth, it’s important to factor in some variables. This includes what your budget is, the time frame you are wanting to achieve, how much effort and time you are willing to commit to adding this into your routine, and the type of stains you have. It’s important to take into consideration any restrictions you may have regarding your oral health as well. Options can range anywhere from professional treatments that come with a hefty price tag, to do-it-yourself and budget-friendly.

Professional Treatments can Offer the Best Way to Whiten Your Teeth

If you have grey or brown discoloration, oral health problems, dental restorations, or certain diseases you will need to discuss your teeth whitening options with a dentist. For the most dramatic and instantaneous results, it’s best to visit your local dentist’s office or teeth whitening clinic for a professional whitening treatment, which offers a higher concentration of active bleaching ingredients. The downside is that professional whitening can cost anywhere from $200 to $1,500 dollars per treatment. If that’s not quite in your budget, the good news is that over-the-counter teeth whitening products have come a long way, and the aesthetic results can
now rival those treatments administered by your doctor, as long as you don’t have any underlying conditions.

The Best Teeth Whitening Products to Use at Home

If you have yellow teeth due to stains from food, drink, or aging then you should be able to use at home devices or products to help restore your smile. There are three main options for teeth whitening at home: toothpaste, strips, and light devices. Pastes offer minimal whitening results, due to low levels of bleaching ingredients, which also means they have a low chance of permanently damaging your enamel. Strips and light devices provide more dramatic results since the whitening ingredients make full contact with teeth for longer periods of time.

Whitening toothpaste pastes typically contain mild abrasives like hydrated silica, sodium bicarbonate, and calcium carbonate to polish and remove surface stains, essentially getting the “whitening” effect by scraping off the stains. Whitening toothpaste can also possibly contain low concentrations of active hydrogen peroxide to bleach teeth, which will strengthen the whitening effect.

Whitening strips use a plastic strip, tray, or mold to apply the bleaching ingredient hydrogen peroxide directly to teeth. Each session lasts between 30 minutes to two hours, and you’ll need up to three weeks of repeated use for full results. If you want to make your teeth white fast, strips are one of the most effective over-the-counter teeth whiteners, as the active ingredient is left on teeth for an extended period of time. It’s important to ensure you are using high-quality products so that you are not causing damage to the teeth.

Whitening light devices work by applying a whitening agent directly to the teeth, then a blue LED light is held over them to increase and accelerate results. Like teeth whitening strips, light devices are very effective because of the amount of time the active ingredient makes full contact with your teeth.

The Best DIY Way to Whiten Your Teeth

Made popular by online resources, there are a ton of Do-It-Yourself options for whitening your teeth at home. There seem to be so many ways to whiten your teeth but do they all work? Are they all safe? Will some actually do more harm than good? When whitening your teeth at home, always keep a close eye on how you react and stop any treatment immediately if you notice sensitivity or pain. Generally, these are the safest way to effectively whiten your teeth at home:

  • Creating a Baking Soda paste to use as a toothpaste.
  • Oil Pulling to help whiten teeth and used as anti-bacterial for overall oral health.
  • Swishing with diluted Hydrogen Peroxide, but only minimally limited use as not to damage your enamel.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar is considered a natural cleaning product but should be used very sparingly and quickly as to not soften your teeth.
  • Practicing good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing daily.
  • Prevent stains from forming and limit your intake of staining food and drinks, such as red wine and coffee.

There is a surplus of other DIY “hacks” for whitening teeth, but can be more harm than good, due to the high level of acidity that is proven to permanently damage your enamel. With no real studies to show the effectiveness and safety, the following are not recommended and should be avoided:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar or Hydrogen Peroxide for long periods of time.
  • Fruit peels are not backed up by science to have any sort of whitening effect, although made famous by celebrities.
  • Activated Charcoal toothpaste has been proved to be too abrasive for teeth, especially for daily use.

What’s the best option for whitening sensitive teeth? If you have sensitive teeth, you’ll want to take some extra precautions before using at-home whitening products. It is recommended to see your dentist if you have sensitive teeth, as it may be a sign of dental problems. If your teeth are okay but you simply have sensitivity, your dentist can help with desensitizing treatments. Just ensure you are paying close attention to how your teeth react. If you experience sensitivity or if the edges of your teeth start to appear see-through, you should stop the whitening regimen immediately, so that permanent damage is not inflicted.

The Best Way to Whiten Your Teeth

For every Scenario, Good oral care, including regular brushing, flossing your teeth, and dental checkups and teeth cleanings will go a long way towards helping remove the surface stains. If you want to see significant results you’ll need to choose an option that really removes stains from the enamel on your teeth, such as in-chair treatments and whitening kits. Whitening toothpaste can also assist in helping you restore your smile and it is possible you can achieve desirable effects at-home by utilizing baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. As long as you do not have any oral health risks, you can establish a tooth whitening regime based on your individual needs and your budget.

People Also Ask

  • Will whitening my teeth change the color of a fake tooth? ​If you have a fake tooth, at-home teeth whiteners will not damage it, and they will have no impact on its brightness or color. Generally, once that fake tooth is in place the color remains fairly stable and cannot be altered.
  • How do teeth get so yellow? ​Some of the most common causes of tooth discoloration include drinking beverages such as coffee, soda, and wine. These substances get into the enamel of your teeth and can cause long-term discoloration. Excessive exposure to fluoride can cause the teeth to yellow, especially in children.
  • What is the cheapest way to whiten your teeth? ​Using 1 part baking soda and 1 part water to create a paste to use on your teeth is considered the most cost-effective solution to whiten your teeth at home.

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